
"For a mostly mindless good time, definitely check this one out."

My wife and I were looking for something light to go see over the holidays. We both enjoy Tina Fey and Amy Pohler (My wife has watched “Baby Momma” several hundred times), so we got together with some friends and headed to the movie theater for “Sisters”.

The movie revolves around two very different sisters. Amy’s character Maura is the responsible sister who is coming off of a divorce, and Tina is Kate, the one who can’t seem to get her life together, and is trying to navigate a strained relationship with her daughter. They find out that their parents are selling their childhood home and they’ve got a few days to get their stuff out. For whatever reason this devastates them, and they decide to throw one last bash with their childhood friends before they lose the house. These midlifers seem to be throwing a pretty lame party, when they decide to kick it up a notch and like most house party movies, things get out of hand quickly. In the end, the sisters learn a little bit about themselves and have a pretty good time doing it.

While the movie isn’t terribly original, and the main characters aren’t especially sympathetic (you felt sorry for their parents), Amy and Tina are hilarious together. They have great comedic chemistry. There is a scene when they are trying on clothes together, that had us absolutely cracking up. That is what this film is all about, their relationship. It occasionally walks that line of using crudeness in place of sharp jokes but you could see the characters acting like that so it doesn’t necessarily come off as lazy writing. For a mostly mindless good time, definitely check this one out.

Reviewed by: on January 3, 2016