Star Wars: The Force Awakens

"The new characters are amazing and acted to perfection. It works on every level."

This will be rated 5 stars. Why? Despite what everyone walking out of my theater said about it being “over-hyped”, it WILL stand the test of repeated viewings. It WAS very entertaining and it WAS the best Star Wars movie since Empire Strikes Back. If you don’t believe me, go watch it and then let it marinate overnight. You will wake up discovering that you enjoyed it much more than you thought you would. The new characters are amazing and acted to perfection. It works on every level. JJ Abrams was the right man to rejuvenate life into this series. Do not judge this movie as a standalone Oscar Caliber flick. Judge this movie on how it holds up w/ the rest in the Star Wars series and don’t let the “hype” misguide you.

It is back, the force is back, and I for one, can’t wait for more.

5 stars

Reviewed by: on December 21, 2015