
"It's probably not going to break into your top 10 animated flicks, but if you or your family love "Despicable Me", it's worth a watch."

At our house “Despicable Me” is a crowd favorite. It was probably the first movie our daughter got attached to and that was alright with us because it’s a hilarious and heartwarming movie. Her third birthday party was even Minion themed. So when I heard that they were making “Minions” I thought it would be the perfect opportunity for my wife and I to take her to the movies.

Here we get the backstory to Gru’s Minions. We learn that they have been around since before man, with the sole purpose of serving the most despicable master they can find. Unfortunately the minions tend to do more damage than good.  After several failed attempts at servitude, they find themselves stranded and depressed. Three minions named Kevin, Stuart and Bob take it upon themselves to travel to a new land (England) to find themselves a new despicable master.

After a few misadventures, they find out about “Villain-Con” where they hook-up with “Scarlett Overkill” (played by Sandra Bullock) the most infamous villain of her time. Scarlett is an impressive villain, but she is self absorbed and a little bit manic. Her bumbling sidekick/lover/inventor is Herb Overkill (played by Jon Hamm). Scarlett’s first assignment for the minions is to steal the queen of England’s crown. The minions do what they do and after some craziness including pulling Excalibur from its stone, they become the new Royalty of England. This is all by accident, but Scarlett takes this as a betrayal and goes after the minions.

Spoiler’s ahead. The minions end up in a big battle with Scarlett and Herb. With a little help from the rest of the minions who make the trip to England and a young Gru, they prevail. But once again they are without a master. The movie ends with their pursuit of Gru as the new most despicable villain.

This movie definitely had it’s funny moments and the animation was beautiful. However, without Gru and to a lesser extent Margo, Edith and Agnes the movie was missing it’s special sauce. The minions are funny, but they work best for me as supporting characters. I probably would have enjoyed a “short” of this movie using the tone and narration of the beginning just as well.

It’s probably not going to break into your top 10 animated flicks, but if you or your family love “Despicable Me”, it’s worth a watch.

Reviewed by: on August 10, 2015