Upstream Color

"A disparate mash-up of overly dramatic actors with overly dramatic facial expressions in overly dramatic lighting conditions while an annoying new age keyboard sustained endlessly. Films like this get so lost in their pretentiousness that you cannot make one bit of sense out of them."

Maybe if I were under the influence of something I would have enjoyed this movie more. WOW, is all I can say. Here is the official synopsis: “A woman is abducted and hypnotized with material harvested from a flower. When she falls for a man, the two realize they have been subjected to the same process. Together, they search for safety as they struggle to reassemble their wrecked lives.” And there’s something to do with a pig farm. I read that synopsis after watching the movie still shaking my head and was like: “you’ve got to be shitting me! I did not get that at all. From what I’ve read, this movie is polarizing for people. You either love it or hate it. I cannot relate to anything presented on screen and am not much of an artsy film guy so you can guess where I went with this one. If you’re not a depressed person, this movie might bring you to that state. A disparate mash-up of overly dramatic actors with overly dramatic facial expressions in overly dramatic lighting conditions while an annoying new age keyboard sustained endlessly. Films like this get so lost in their pretentiousness that you cannot make one bit of sense out of them. I only kept watching hoping at some point something fantastically mind blowing was going to happen to peak my interest. It never did. Such a disappointing follow-up from the Director’s marvelous first film, ‘Primer’. And remember, just because you don’t “get it” doesn’t mean you’re not a special intellectual. I looked for the meaning of what I was watching; I searched and explored, but was ultimately confused. Or maybe confusion is the statement conveyed here? Sorry, Hipsters, but sometimes it’s just a bad movie. Period.

2 stars for me.

Reviewed by: on July 20, 2015